Final bit
Building off my PVC samples for my final piece of work I preferred the idea of making prints rather than adapting my PVC samples into something wearable. I knew that I wanted to up the scale and complexity - so more cut out bits- which might make producing prints difficult, so maybe more of a wall hanging type thing would work? I want to keep it simple to draw the attention to the texture and delicacy of the work. I then went over to screens print - I used a repeat pattern of the same machine knit image. Also did some Color tests. Played around with fading parts of the print - not applying paint to certain areas - thought I could use them to layer with later. Decided against Color and just kept to the black- I preferred the contrast between the transparent PVC and the black - the clear lines between the blocks of Color look crisper with the black. When I got back to the studio and while waiting for the paint to fully dry I lay...